Mature New Adult - Contemporary Romance
Date Published: 8/28/2013
Surfing and sex. This is Wes Elliott's life. And it's just the way he likes it. `After seeing his parents stay in a loveless marriage his entire life, and burying away a heartbreak from his past, he knows where romance is best left: crappy chick movies. He'd rather lust and eventually leave, and that's exactly what the plan was when he met Lana Langston.
Except…turns out she’s only in it for the thrills, too. She's always only in it for the thrills: life in the literal fast lane on her motorcycle, and the hot nights in forbidden places without the awkward talks in the mornings after. She's Wes Elliott in way tighter jeans.
So, this should be perfect, right? But the more time Wes spends with her, the more he wants the nights to turn into mornings. And maybe even longer. Suddenly, it isn't so perfect for him anymore. And the things he thought were buried are digging themselves up. Now Wes is in a lot of trouble. He’s falling in love with the one girl who might be a bigger risk than even a guy who gets barreled by the most dangerous waves in the world is willing to take on.
Can Wes and Lana figure out a way to make it work? Or is he headed for something far more reckless?
Due to the sexual content, language and violence, this work is not recommended for readers under 18.
Author Spotlight: A.J. Sand grew up an only child whose parents bought her many, many books to keep her busy, so it was only natural that she would start writing her own stories. She is the author of “Documentary” and “Remake.” She lives just outside of Washington, D.C.
twitter: ajajajsand
I received a copy in exchange for an honest review!
What I say (review): Recklessly is the third book in A.J. Sand's Documentary series (following on from Documentary and Remake) and is told from the POV of Wesley 'Wes' Elliot. For those of you who have read Documentary, Wes is Kai's best friend. Recklessly works as a standalone novel or as part of a series.
Wes and his identical twin Abel are living the dream as pro-surfers; they get paid ridiculous amounts to travel the world and are surrounded by a constant stream of beautiful and available women. Wes's world is rocked when he meets the beautiful enigma that is Lana Langston.
Lana is beautiful, dangerous, arty and creative. She isn't interested in a long term relationship. She's perfectly happy to just have fun with Wes. I enjoyed the twist on the usual girl falls for the player and then tries to change him story, because this time the player is quite literally outplayed!
Sometimes with this sort of book the characters are often lacking depth, but with Recklessly this really isn't the case. Some scenes were heartbreaking and at one point near the end I could barely read through my tears! Lana quite literally changes Wes's life and not always in a good way. At times I wanted to shake (or slap) some sense into her, but for the most part I could understand her reasoning.
I think the book worked so well because it was told in the guy's POV; yes a lot of Wes's thoughts were superficial and smutty, but it also allowed Sand to provide a greater insight into how a guy responds to all these moments of angst.
The epilogue was one of my favourite parts of the story. I really enjoyed it and liked the positive message which came through all the angst. Maybe I just like to hold a grudge but I would have like to see certain sneaky surfers suffer from some bad karma?! BUT the ending fit perfectly with the story and was in no way cheesy!
There is a lot of smexy times, so this is a NA which borders on the adult end of things, but it also contains some really poignant scenes and ridiculously funny moments!
4.5 Stars in my Sky!
Lana slid her lip out from between her teeth. She ran her thumb just south of his bellybutton, and the area below where his belt sat warmed beneath the surface of his skin. “Damn. I didn’t realize how late it was…” she said with a frown as she took a glance at her cell. “I guess I’ve been having too good of a time to notice.”
“Me too.”
“So…is this where it ends tonight?”
Wes pecked a soft kiss on her lips, his fingers trailing down the space between her collarbone and cleavage. “You tell me, Lana.”
“Well, I can’t wait ‘til Tuesday.”
“I know. Me too.”
“No,” Lana said, pulling his ear to her lips, “I mean, don’t make me wait ‘til Tuesday.”
* Excerpt may differ slightly in post-publication version *
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