5 August 2013

So 5 Stars, So Few!

I've had several emails, comments etc recently about 5 Star reviews and thought I'd answer a few of them here:
1. Where are your 5 Star/Epic, it rocked!! reviews?
You can find them in the labels at the bottom of the blog (tagged 5 Stars).
2. Why do you not give many 5 Star reviews?
Right, well this is a tricky one. I only give a 5 Star review if I absolutely loved it and if I couldn't find anything wrong with it. So no grammatical errors, no missing plot points, no annoying characters and so on.
I should point out that anything rated 3 Stars and over means I liked it! A 3 Star review isn't bad people!!
For me, 4 Stars means I really liked the book, but I may have noticed a few typos or grammatical errors.
I can be overly critical in terms of language, SO I make sure I don't remove too many Stars if the book only has a few errors. I'm here to support authors, their books and other bloggers, not to criticise or insult them!
4.5 Stars = I REALLY LOVED the book, but there may have been one small element which prevents me from giving the full 5 Stars.
5 Stars - Take all of the above with a pinch of salt, because if I absolutely loved the story/characters I may overlook grammar etc and give 5 Stars BECAUSE I SIMPLY COULDN'T give anything less!
3. Book X is great, why have you only given it 4 Stars when you gave Book Y 5?
As ever, the Stars awarded are my opinion alone and I know many people may not agree. For example I have given some instalments in The Black Dagger Brotherhood 5 Stars because I loved the plot, characters and Ward's writing style makes me smile. I also tend to give J. Lynn/Jennifer L. Armentrout's books 4 - 5 Stars because I really enjoy her style; she's sarcastic, very eloquent and always creates interesting characters.
The reviews posted here on Zili in the Sky are my opinion of a book/movie etc. I write reviews for fun and because I love reading. To fully understand a book you'll need to read it yourself - all I'm trying to do is help out. I hope this answers any questions or concerns you may have had about my review system.
Now go Read, Read and Read some more...! Z x

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