Historical Romance
Date Published: March 17, 2014
What they say:
Lady Ella Harwich is capricious. At least that’s what her older brother thinks. However, when it comes to Jim Ferguson, Lady Ella is quite serious. One long, lingering kiss put Jim at the center of her romantic desires and at the top of her list of suitors. And she plans to keep him there. Unfortunately, Jim wants off her list because of a secret past, a career as a shipbuilder instead of a gentleman, and his own inability to resist her. Proving her love—and his worthiness for her love—is Ella’s only way to rivet his attention.
I received a copy in exchange for an honest review!
What I say (review): Riveting His Attention is a sweet, charming and fun demonstration of historical fiction. Lady Ella Harwich has decided she is not going to marry one of the many 'desirable' men her brother approves of, but is instead going to marry self-made man, Jim Ferguson.
I was expecting Ella to be bratty and a bit of a pain but thankfully her scheming comes across as determination more than anything else. Yes, she is pushy and likes to get her own way, but when it comes to Jim, I think he needs her pushiness.
Jim doesn't think he's worthy and is determined to ignore Ella's advances, but he isn't always all that convincing when trying to dissuade her.
The book made me smile. Ella's antics are entertaining and her diary entries were really funny. May Williams has added enough intrigue to keep readers engaged past the balls and pretty dresses (which there are not actually many of) and her characters never seem shallow. I hadn't read the previous book Rustling Her Skirts but I felt Riveting His Attention works well as a standalone.
3.5 Stars in my Sky!
“Is this about money?” Ella asked. “I have money of my own or will when I come of age. And I know there’s a decent sum set aside for my dowry. My brother has made that clear.”
“I’m not living on money I don’t earn.” Jim’s yearly wages from Edmund’s company were more than his family made in twenty years of running the inn. Money itself wasn’t the issue. He had more than he needed now and the expectation of increased earnings as the business expanded.
“Stubborn. I like a man who knows his own mind. It’s one of the many things I admire about you. Heroic, too. Giving up the woman you love for noble reasons.”
“I never said I loved you,” he said, exasperated. How did women make everything so complicated?
Her eyes widened. “I’ll correct myself for now. Giving up the woman who loves you. Better?”
“No,” he spit out, irritated at himself and her. She’d perceived his weakness and gone in for the kill.
“Because it’s true?” Somehow, she’d made the space between them evaporate. When had she put her hand on his chest and tilted her face up? “Kiss me, and then tell me you don’t love me.”
A stronger man might have been able to resist her. He imagined himself picking her up to set her aside, but he couldn’t. When his hand encircled her waist and tipped her back as though to lift her, he crushed her closer. His other hand sank into the silkiness of her hair, demanding her lips meet his.
A victorious smile crossed her face before their mouths connected, but he didn’t give a damn if she thought she’d won.
Author Spotlight:
May loves romance. Big pink roses, chocolate hearts, sunset walks, but, most of all, she loves romance novels. She’s been reading romances since she first discovered the public library where the librarians didn't notice or didn't care what she was checking out even though she hadn't hit puberty yet.
Since then, May has continued to read every genre of romance, but she writes mostly historical. Places and time periods have stories to tell. And she likes to listen. Her most recent novels are Victorian era pieces where she can imagine beautiful gowns and elegant teas.
When May’s not writing, she manages a houseful of children, pets, and flowers grown in her garden.
May has kindly written a fab guest post on pen names:
authors get together, the conversation invariably turns to pen names. Who has one
and use one?
always used a pen name for two reasons. One: my job. I have the type of career
that requires a certain persona, shall we say. Being a writer would be okay,
but being a romance writer might not be. I can never decide if people at my
place of employment would fall to the floor in shock if they found out I’ve
published eight romance novels or if they would just shrug, ask a few
questions, and move on. I’ve never felt comfortable taking the chance to find
out. A few of my close friends at work know and are wonderfully supportive, but
that’s as far as I’m willing to let it go.
second reason is the small town I live in. I grew up in a tiny town and was
used to everyone knowing my business. When I first arrived in my current
locale, I thought it was big enough for anonymity. As my kids started school
and I got involved in a variety of activities, I learned that this is still a
small place. I’m not ashamed of my writing at all, but I also don’t want my sex
scenes critiqued at a PTA meeting.
I use a pen name. At writer’s conference and such, my name tag reads “May
Williams” and I respond to that name. May also has better clothes than I do.
Every once in a while I borrow something out of the May Williams’ section of my
closet and wear it to work. I get compliments because she’s way cooler than I
am and much more willing to wear high heels.
course, strange things happen with a secret identity. A woman who lives down
the street from me reviewed one of my books on Goodreads. I’ve met her at
neighborhood functions, sung next to her at our annual Christmas Caroling
event, and walk by her house every day. Still, I’m sure she’s never made the
connection. So I’ll continue living a double and entertaining life as May

Historical Romance
Date Published: March 17, 2014
What they say:
Lady Ella Harwich is capricious. At least that’s what her older brother thinks. However, when it comes to Jim Ferguson, Lady Ella is quite serious. One long, lingering kiss put Jim at the center of her romantic desires and at the top of her list of suitors. And she plans to keep him there. Unfortunately, Jim wants off her list because of a secret past, a career as a shipbuilder instead of a gentleman, and his own inability to resist her. Proving her love—and his worthiness for her love—is Ella’s only way to rivet his attention.
What I say (review): Riveting His Attention is a sweet, charming and fun demonstration of historical fiction. Lady Ella Harwich has decided she is not going to marry one of the many 'desirable' men her brother approves of, but is instead going to marry self-made man, Jim Ferguson.
I was expecting Ella to be bratty and a bit of a pain but thankfully her scheming comes across as determination more than anything else. Yes, she is pushy and likes to get her own way, but when it comes to Jim, I think he needs her pushiness.
Jim doesn't think he's worthy and is determined to ignore Ella's advances, but he isn't always all that convincing when trying to dissuade her.
The book made me smile. Ella's antics are entertaining and her diary entries were really funny. May Williams has added enough intrigue to keep readers engaged past the balls and pretty dresses (which there are not actually many of) and her characters never seem shallow. I hadn't read the previous book Rustling Her Skirts but I felt Riveting His Attention works well as a standalone.
3.5 Stars in my Sky!
“Is this about money?” Ella asked. “I have money of my own or will when I come of age. And I know there’s a decent sum set aside for my dowry. My brother has made that clear.”
“I’m not living on money I don’t earn.” Jim’s yearly wages from Edmund’s company were more than his family made in twenty years of running the inn. Money itself wasn’t the issue. He had more than he needed now and the expectation of increased earnings as the business expanded.
“Stubborn. I like a man who knows his own mind. It’s one of the many things I admire about you. Heroic, too. Giving up the woman you love for noble reasons.”
“I never said I loved you,” he said, exasperated. How did women make everything so complicated?
Her eyes widened. “I’ll correct myself for now. Giving up the woman who loves you. Better?”
“No,” he spit out, irritated at himself and her. She’d perceived his weakness and gone in for the kill.
“Because it’s true?” Somehow, she’d made the space between them evaporate. When had she put her hand on his chest and tilted her face up? “Kiss me, and then tell me you don’t love me.”
A stronger man might have been able to resist her. He imagined himself picking her up to set her aside, but he couldn’t. When his hand encircled her waist and tipped her back as though to lift her, he crushed her closer. His other hand sank into the silkiness of her hair, demanding her lips meet his.
A victorious smile crossed her face before their mouths connected, but he didn’t give a damn if she thought she’d won.
Author Spotlight:

Since then, May has continued to read every genre of romance, but she writes mostly historical. Places and time periods have stories to tell. And she likes to listen. Her most recent novels are Victorian era pieces where she can imagine beautiful gowns and elegant teas.
When May’s not writing, she manages a houseful of children, pets, and flowers grown in her garden.
authors get together, the conversation invariably turns to pen names. Who has one
and use one?
always used a pen name for two reasons. One: my job. I have the type of career
that requires a certain persona, shall we say. Being a writer would be okay,
but being a romance writer might not be. I can never decide if people at my
place of employment would fall to the floor in shock if they found out I’ve
published eight romance novels or if they would just shrug, ask a few
questions, and move on. I’ve never felt comfortable taking the chance to find
out. A few of my close friends at work know and are wonderfully supportive, but
that’s as far as I’m willing to let it go.
second reason is the small town I live in. I grew up in a tiny town and was
used to everyone knowing my business. When I first arrived in my current
locale, I thought it was big enough for anonymity. As my kids started school
and I got involved in a variety of activities, I learned that this is still a
small place. I’m not ashamed of my writing at all, but I also don’t want my sex
scenes critiqued at a PTA meeting.
I use a pen name. At writer’s conference and such, my name tag reads “May
Williams” and I respond to that name. May also has better clothes than I do.
Every once in a while I borrow something out of the May Williams’ section of my
closet and wear it to work. I get compliments because she’s way cooler than I
am and much more willing to wear high heels.
course, strange things happen with a secret identity. A woman who lives down
the street from me reviewed one of my books on Goodreads. I’ve met her at
neighborhood functions, sung next to her at our annual Christmas Caroling
event, and walk by her house every day. Still, I’m sure she’s never made the
connection. So I’ll continue living a double and entertaining life as May

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