WHAT IF follows Cal Logan from childhood to college and is told through a series of flashbacks and memories from his core group of lifelong friends. Including shy Nicole Bentley, Cal’s childhood crush who mysteriously moved away without any explanation right after their high school graduation. Now away at college, Cal is shocked to see Nicole in the local coffee shop—except she’s not Nicole.
Nyelle Preston introduces herself to Cal and despite looking similar enough to Nicole to be twins; their personalities are nothing alike. Where Nicole was reserved and shy, Nyelle is impulsive and outgoing. Call is instantly attracted to her and feels a connection that he knows can’t be real. Who is this young woman who looks so much like his lost friend but claims to be someone else? And more importantly, what is she hiding?
WHAT IF is a story of first love, and loss but also these strong, enduring friendships that are such an integral part of growing up.
Author Spotlight:
Rebecca Donovan is the USA Today bestselling author of the highly-acclaimed New Adult trilogy, The Breathing Series. Her novels include: Reason to Breathe, Barely Breathing, and Out of Breath. When not writing, Rebecca can be found online at www.rebeccadonovan.com and www.facebook.com/rebeccadonovan. She lives in Massachusetts with her son.

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