Being A Jett Girl - The Bourbon Series #2
by Meghan Quinn

How did I become a Jett Girl?
Hell if I know, one moment I’m working at the premiere spot for creepy men and sloppy drunks and the next, I’m being whisked away by a moody ex-boxer and a mysterious man in a suit that overlooks his girls from the third floor of the Lafayette Club.
It wasn’t easy but now that I’m a Jett Girl, there is only one thing on my mind and that is Jett Colby.
He has captured me, stolen my heart and entwined my soul into his at such an alarming rate that it seems almost difficult to breathe without him holding me, touching me, kissing me...
He won’t give me his heart though, he won’t let me own every last inch of him and not because he doesn’t want to, but because he doesn’t want to jeopardize my ambiguity.
Because of this, there is only one thing standing in my way when it comes to completely and utterly living my life with Jett Colby and it’s called Lot 17.
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Author Spotlight:
When I was in high school I occasionally read books but was consumed by other teenage things so I didn't take the time to appreciate a good book on a cloudy day, wrapped up in a blanket on the couch. It wasn't until I received a Kindle for Christmas one year that my world completely flipped upside down. When looking for books I came across the Contemporary Romance genre and was sold and I haven't turned back since.
You can either find my head buried in my Kindle, listening to inspiring heart ripping music or typing away on the computer twisting and turning the lives of my characters while driving my readers crazy with anticipation.
I currently reside in beautiful Colorado Springs where the sun is always shining and there is a trail waiting to be hiked on every corner. I share a lovely and warm home with the love of my life and my five, four-legged.
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I received a copy in exchange for an honest review!
What I say (review): I was a bit late to the party when it comes to The Bourbon series so I read Becoming A Jett Girl and Being A Jett Girl back to back. The bonus of doing this was that I didn't have to wait to find out what happened next and it was easier to stay with the characters.
Goldie/Lo is now a Jett girl which comes with certain expectations and issues as well as a lot of sexy time spent in the Bourbon room. Goldie is obviously beautiful, sexy and sassy, but she's also really funny. I loved her snark when it came to Kace and how she kept Jett on his toes.
In Being A Jett Girl we discover a lot more about Jett and we get to see him start to open up more. Don't worry no spoilers here, and anyway there are still many unanswered questions surrounding his past, family and businesses. I like Jett, although I wanted to yell at him whenever he'd come out with one of his unreasonable demands or half-truths. When will people learn that lies by omission are still lies? I did love how sweet he was with Goldie and how he genuinely cares about his girls.
I am slightly torn though because I really liked Kace and sorta wanted things to work out well for him. The shower scene was hot. Goldie makes me smile with her sass and I often found myself torn between cringing at the really crude things she'd say/think and laughing a lot at them; sometimes she's really outrageous.
The sex scenes are numerous and intense, so this ones defo not for younger readers. There is also a lot of bad language, so if either of these offend you then The Bourbon series probably isn't for you. But if it is, then don your Jett girl undies and join the club.
There are lots of twists and turns along the way (don't expect plain sailing people) - I totally wasn't expecting THAT ending!
3.5 -4 Stars in my Sky!
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