18 January 2015

ARC Review: Inked

by Eric Smith

What they say: Sometimes your only chance to survive, and what you most fear… is to be INKED.

Tattoos once were an act of rebellion. Now they decide your destiny the moment the magical Ink settles under your skin. 

And in a world where Ink controls your fate, Caenum can't escape soon enough. He is ready to run from his family, and his best friend Dreya, and the home he has known, just to have a chance at a choice. 

But when he upsets the very Scribe scheduled to give him his Ink on his eighteenth birthday, he unwittingly sets in motion a series of events that sends the corrupt, magic-fearing government, The Citadel, after him and those he loves. 

Now Caenum, Dreya, and their reluctant companion Kenzi must find their way to the Sanctuary, a secret town where those with the gift of magic are safe. Along the way, they learn the truth behind Ink, its dark origins, and why they are the only ones who can stop the Citadel.

Eric Smith takes you on a fast-paced fantasy adventure, perfect for anyone who has dreamed of being different…only to discover that destiny is more than skin deep.

Releases 20th Jan by Bloomsbury Spark - ISBN: 9781619638594

Author & book links:

Goodreads * Twitter * Amazon US * Amazon UK

I received a copy from the publisher Bloomsbury Spark (via NetGalley) in exchange for an honest review!

What I say: In Inked Caenum, Dreya and Kenzi live in a world where magical tattoos control their destiny and people are not free to make their own decisions. Citizens get their ink when they reach adulthood/18. Their ink designates what job they will do and where they will be placed in society - it has the potential for here power, responsibility and destruction. Those who are not inked are shunned and hunted by the Citadel. Caenum is approaching his birthday and faces being inked.  

Caenum and his friend Dreya meet young Scribe Kenzi, and find themselves drawn into a dangerous battle they never imagined. Caenum has the worst luck imaginable because he keeps finding himself in worsening situations.

As I Latin student I should have been able to guess Caenum's abilities (I won't tell you the Latin meaning because I don't want to spoil anything). But I enjoyed the hidden meanings and ideas Eric Smith includes in his story.

I wasn't always entirely sure of the age group of the intended audience - initially I thought it was a YA story but then certain elements came across as being for younger readers, whilst others for upper YA. This is because some events happen at quite a fast pace and things spiral pretty quickly. I did enjoy the story even though I found Kenzi a little difficult to like at times and Caenum wasn't always approachable - they did grow on me though. I would be interested in discovering what happens next.

3.5 Stars in my Sky!


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