Shadows of the Forest
by Emma Michaels
Genre: YA Fantasy
Release Date: November 5th 2016
What they say: Everyone is dying to live in the Shadows of the Forest.
They gave me three rules to follow in exchange for my brother’s life:
1. Do not enter the West Wing;
2. Do not go outside after darkness falls; and
3. There is only one exit; The Gates.
This is what happened when I broke them…
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I received a copy from YA Bound in exchange for an honest review!
What I say: In Shadows of the Forest we meet Lily and her twin brother Cole. Without giving much away, the circumstances in which they are introduced is very different and unique, so much so that I often found myself questioning what was real or not.
I really liked the deep bond between the twins and the love they had for each other. I did get a little lost in the heavy stream of sacrifices and drama at times.
Shadows of the Forest has tones of The Old Country by Mordicai Gerstein & hints of Other by Karen Kincy. The plot is pretty dark for a YA story and relies quite heavily on fantasy and paranormal aspects - which I liked.
I found the mythology a little difficult at times and didn't find all of the characters appealing, but I'm not sure we're meant to. The concept is clever and although the mythology regarding spirits and foxes was a little complicated at times, I did like the morality tale and the idea of the shadows and difficult choices.
The cover is an absolute delight and I'd love to know who designed it.
3 for the potential Stars in my Sky!
Author Spotlight:
Emma Michaels is the award winning author of the Society of Feathers series. With over 15 written publications and hundreds of book covers under her belt she plans on taking over the literary world one cup of coffee at a time.
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