Nocte - The Nocte Trilogy #1
by Courtney Cole
My name is Calla Price. I'm eighteen years old, and I'm one half of a whole. My other half—my twin brother, my Finn—is crazy. I love him. More than life, more than anything. And even though I'm terrified he'll suck me down with him, no one can save him but me. I'm doing all I can to stay afloat in a sea of insanity, but I'm drowning more and more each day. So I reach out for a lifeline. Dare DuBray. He's my savior and my anti-Christ. His arms are where I feel safe, where I'm afraid, where I belong, where I'm lost. He will heal me, break me, love me and hate me. He has the power to destroy me. Maybe that's ok. Because I can't seem to save Finn and love Dare without everyone getting hurt. Why? Because of a secret. A secret I'm so busy trying to figure out, that I never see it coming. You won't either.
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What I say: I have to admit that I've had Nocte on my TBR list for a while now but I was purposefully waiting on reading it until the trilogy was complete. This is mainly because I'd been warned that I'd want to read all the story back-to-back to find out what the heck is going on - I'm so glad I waited...
I know it has been out for a while and so there are spoilers out there but I'm going to keep this as spoiler free as possible, so I don't ruin anything for you. It is worth noting that like SO MANY other readers, I'm not really sure I understand enough about what happens in Nocte to spoil it for you anyway. This is actually really refreshing; I usually spent a lot of my time rolling my eyes about how predictable a story is, well this definitely isn't the case with Nocte.
Nocte if full of drama, suspense, mind-frackery (yes it's a word to me), romance and a big old mystery. It also covers a variety of problematic topics, which may be difficult to read for some people. I liked how Cole tackles mental health issues and grief, in a very open and honest manner. Yes the book is an analysis of the mind but it's really well done. I found myself constantly doubting what I was reading and troubling over reality. My theories ranged from Calla being mad, dead, imaginary, one of Dare's split personalities and so many more. I kept thinking of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and the following quote:
"But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here."
The Latin geek in me loved all the latin quotes and references that Courtney Cole incorporates into the plot. Cole keeps us guessing from start to finish, then leaves us with the flipping Queen of all cliffys!
4 Stars in my Sky!
My fav non-spoilery quotes:
- "Sometimes that’s how life is. A puzzle made up of a million pieces, and when one piece doesn’t exactly fit, it throws the rest of them off."
- "Insomniacs know that there is something about the night. A darkness, an energy, a mystery that shrouds things. It hides things at the same time as it illuminates them. It is this thing that allows us to examine our thoughts in a way that we can't during the day. It is this thing that brings truth and clarity."
- "But just because we can’t see something doesn’t mean it’s not there."
Author Spotlight:
Courtney Cole is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives near Lake Michigan with her family. She's always working on her next project... or staring dreamily out her office window.

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