What they say: If the only way to save the world was to destroy what you loved most, would you do it? The clock is ticking. Everyone must choose. Passion. Power. Secrets. Enchantment. Danger closes in around the Shadowhunters in the third and final instalment of the bestselling Infernal Devices trilogy.
- Currently available as a Paperback (552 pages) and e-book format.
The delay in receiving the book, meant that it was impossible to avoid spoilers (thank you Twitter), so I did exactly what Cassie had advised her readers not to do and turned straight to the family tree in the back of the book. Now even if the plot has already been spoilt for you, I wouldn't recommend this because I still found out several things that I should have actually read in the book about first.
Now back to the book. I'm still going to avoid spoilers as much as possible if I can. The plot picks up with Tessa and Jem being engaged and Will trying to come to turns with this. Jem is still oblivious to Will's turmoil and Tessa hates the idea of hurting anybody. What I have most enjoyed about the entire TID series is how well the love story is portrayed. Generally with love stories, one of the characters is either a 'lesser' love a la Jacob Black or a simple case of unrequited love. In these cases it is usually glaring obvious who the heroine will pick, but with Jem and Will I really had no idea which way Tessa's heart would finally settle. My allegiances to either boy also kept changing. In Clockwork Angel I was very much pro Will, then after Clockwork Prince I found myself rooting for Jem. The ending may surprise and even annoy some, but I was really happy how Cassie finished the series.
As in previous TID books, both the Shadowhunter world and Victorian England are so clearly described in Clockwork Princess that I can picture the weapons, marks and gear. I can almost see the carriages and big fancy Victorian dress. As a Londoner it's wonderful to see the effort put into describing the past of my beloved city and Cassie really does London proud. Another element which really makes the narrative so strong is the use of all of the characters. Clockwork Princess is not just about Tessa, Jem and Will, it is a story where all of the characters are important. I liked How Cecily's introduction allowed the reader to discover more about Will, but also about Gideon and Gabriel Lightwood. We finally discover exactly what Tessa Gray is, the Magisters motives and whether or not Jem can be saved. As ever Magnus was a rock star, he has some fantastic and well timed lines and aides Tessa with her immortality.
This is a YA series, so the naughty bits are minimum (one event was shocking, mainly because it was unexpected). I devoured Clockwork Princess in a few hours (most of which were spent in either happy or sad tears). The epilogue? Well don't read it without a whole box of tissues and make sure (unless you consider puffy eyes a good look) that you're not off out anywhere. The final sentences really made the series for me and like all good things in life, Cassie left her readers wanting more!
A Sky FULL of Stars!
My fav non-spoilers quotes:
- Will, who loved not wisely but entirely and with everything he had.
- She couldn't tear her gaze away from him. She had always thought Jem was beautiful. He was no less beautiful to her now.
- One does not question miracles, or complain that they are not constructed perfectly to one's liking.
- You look like Church before he bites someone.
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