12 February 2017

Unexpectedly Hers - Review

Unexpectedly Hers - Sterling Canyon #3


By day, bashful wallflower Emma Duffy works at her family’s bed-and-breakfast. By night, she secretly pens erotic romance hot enough to melt the snow in their cozy Rockies town.
But Emma’s real life is about to heat up when her mother books the entire inn to a professional snowboarder, hoping the publicity will put them on the map. In a karmic twist of fate, that guest is Wyatt Lawson, the man with whom Emma had shared the secret one-night stand that became the inspiration for her novel and its dreamy hero. Worse, a film crew is documenting his comeback just as her debut is about to hit the shelves. Emma’s only saving grace is that Wyatt doesn’t remember her—and hopefully he never will.
When Wyatt arrives in Sterling Canyon for several weeks of intense training, the last tumble he expects to take is falling for a girl, especially one as shy as Emma. Unlike groupies with their hidden agendas, she isn’t using him—or so he believes…until the film crew uncovers Emma’s pen name and steamy novel.
Wyatt’s comeback run can withstand a fall or two, but can his heart recover from this crash and burn?
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Publishing February 21st 2017 by Montlake Romance

Buy links:

Amazon US * Amazon UK

I received a copy from the publisher (via NetGalley) in exchange for an honest review!

What I say: Unexpectedly Hers is a short and sweet contemporary story your inner romance lover will enjoy.

Left in charge of the family B&B whilst her mother micromanages from her trip *ahem* holiday, manager extraordinaire, Emma works hard to keep the business afloat. She struggles to live up to her mothers high expectations and wholesome demands. In secret Emma has been writing a romance novel based on a rare naughty night she spent with a handsome stranger aka snowboarder Wyatt years ago.

Thanks to her mother, Emma suddenly finds herself hosting an entire documentary film crew, along with Wyatt who is trying to make a big snowboarding comeback. Who btw doesn't remember his night with her (not that she's going to remind him) and his injured former boarder brother. 

I liked Emma and felt she handles things really well. I REALLY wanted her to stand up to her mother and the small minded people living in the town, to go out and live a little. 

I did feel that the secret romance writer element was a little overdone at times because I've seen this on numerous occasions recently. I did enjoy Emma's personal struggle - both wanting to share her secret with Wyatt and her family and friends but not wanting to be judged for it.

Wyatt oscillated between being really sweet and funny, to stroppy, demanding and hugely in denial about his brother, but I liked him and wanted him to remember his night with Emma.

I'm not always the biggest fan of this type of chick-lit but the snowboarder in me is always going to like a romance about a handsome pro-boarder!

3.5 Stars in my Sky!


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